Kent Circle@0,75x.png

My name is Daniela Kent and I teach Junior English (College and Advanced Prep) in addition to coaching teachers through our new textbook adoption and technology integration. I currently have a 21st century technology pilot classroom, which has provided me with great insight in classroom design and technology implementation.

When I am not at school, you can find me working out, raising two boys, and discovering new technology. I am also a huge digital information consumer, hoping to grow my own influence in the edtech and fashion communities.

Let’s set some trends!

Google Classroom Tips

Google Classroom is one of my favorite LMS hosts because of the interconnectivity it possesses.

One-click login to other participating sites? Check.

Easy integration into most grade books? Check.

Easy integration with many education sites, transferring data back into Classroom? Check. 

User-friendly? Check!

Sure, there are a few things I'd love to add to Classroom, but that's because I am high-maintenance; I have reeeeallly high standards, but I am a Google Classroom superfan nonetheless. After using [and loving] Schoology, it was hard to tear from the beautiful formatting options and the like, but the move to GSuite makes so much more sense in streamlining your workflow and your file storage. 

I am going to be adding items in this blog post like a series for your Google Classroom needs. Please comment below to let me know if there is something you'd like covered and I can upload ASAP or email you with some insight. 

Chromebooks in the Classroom

Google Forms to Proofread/Revise Essays