Kent Circle@0,75x.png

My name is Daniela Kent and I teach Junior English (College and Advanced Prep) in addition to coaching teachers through our new textbook adoption and technology integration. I currently have a 21st century technology pilot classroom, which has provided me with great insight in classroom design and technology implementation.

When I am not at school, you can find me working out, raising two boys, and discovering new technology. I am also a huge digital information consumer, hoping to grow my own influence in the edtech and fashion communities.

Let’s set some trends!

Summer School Style Series Day #21

Summer School Style Series Day #21


Oh. My. Goodness. Is there an alarm clock that will catapult you out of bed when it sounds? If so, I need that. My body and mind yearn for some solid vacation from anything remotely responsible, besides parenting, because that is labor-intensive in its own realm. I am counting down the days until we are done and I am positive the kids are too. We ALL need the break. 

TIP: To make it easy on myself, I pre-plan most outfits and set them on a separate rack or spot in my closet so that I just need to shower and pull them on-- it helps on Monday mornings... Shoot, ANY morning where you're not quite ready to face the outside world. We can at least pretend we are prepared until we can execute the tasks completely. 

So, today's outfit: these pants will be making an appearance a lot. They are so comfortable, perfect for covering legs, but remaining cool during the summer heat. In California, it is supposed to reach 107 degrees by Friday. THAT IS HOT. TOO HOT. But, these pants will keep you cool, provide a nice silhouette, and are great for your time in the classroom until Fall. Then repeat in Spring with a different color top/accessory to celebrate the seasonal colors. Yellow for summer, burnt orange for fall (don't want to look too Halloween-y), pink for Spring, with turquoise accents anytime of the year! The possibilities are endless, really. 

Shop below, they're on sale NOW! HBDUSA is the code. Click below, GO!

Summer School Style Series Day #22 : Red, White, and BLUE!

Summer School Style Series Day #22 : Red, White, and BLUE!

Summer School Style Series Day #19

Summer School Style Series Day #19