Kent Circle@0,75x.png

My name is Daniela Kent and I teach Junior English (College and Advanced Prep) in addition to coaching teachers through our new textbook adoption and technology integration. I currently have a 21st century technology pilot classroom, which has provided me with great insight in classroom design and technology implementation.

When I am not at school, you can find me working out, raising two boys, and discovering new technology. I am also a huge digital information consumer, hoping to grow my own influence in the edtech and fashion communities.

Let’s set some trends!

When Plans Suddenly Change...

When Plans Suddenly Change...

Anytime plans change, I get frantic. Or disappointed. Or sometimes elated... But mostly, disoriented. I like plans and knowing exactly what to expect. Being the consummate planner, however, every year, I feel like those plans get thrown out of the door when I meet my classes. I have to be flexible to meet their unique needs and summer school is no exception. When I walked in this morning, I had everything planned, but once I got to know my class, that expanded by the minute, I needed to adjust those plans in scale and scope. 

I decided to try StudySync's SyncStart, a 2-week mini-course that focuses on supporting quality skills necessary for success in an English classroom. I'll be tracking the use of SyncStart, Newsela's Text Sets, alongside a few other resources for a balanced, high-tech/low-tech credit recovery for high school freshmen. 

Stay tuned!

Creating a Personalized .GIF theme in Google Classroom

Creating a Personalized .GIF theme in Google Classroom

Google Keep for Essay Feedback

Google Keep for Essay Feedback